My Story
My vision is that each individual reclaims oneself as a whole and complete being, experiencing freedom to create the life one wants. They get that they are the creators of their transformation and wellbeing.
Hi! Thanks for coming by...
My name is Shruti.
Shruti in Sanskrit means that which is heard. True to my name I am in the profession of listening. And asking powerful questions.
- Clinical Hypnotherapist
- Psycho-spiritual therapist
- Personal Transformation Coach
- Meditation Teacher
- Experience facilitator
- Speaker
- Mother
- Friend
- Traveller…
I wear several hats in life. While these are different roles, my efforts are towards supporting and assisting women to live their life fully and whole heartedly, to connect with who they truly are by helping them heal from their past wounds; be free from what holds them back; helping them reclaim their true Self and shine their light in the world so that they can experience themselves profoundly, deeply and fully.
All in all assist them in being their authentic self, following their heart, owning their power and brilliance, spreading their wings and flying.
If every human being is his or her authentic self living their true nature and purpose, there would be harmony, love and peace on this planet. We are limitless beings capable of extraordinary creations. And in many ways, many people are living thwarted, suppressed lives.
In our growing human life we encounter many experiences that have deep impact on us. As a result, sometimes, they hold us back in our fullest expression in our relationships, career, health, contribution in the world and more.
In my own journey, I have come to realise that suffering is optional. We can stand in our own power and make choices that serve us and others. We always have a choice to go past those blocks and create a life that we truly desire.

My tryst with personal transformation
I spread my wings when I crawled my way up from a very traumatic experience of my 12 year marriage ending…. A feeling of being cracked open with a force that felt painful, a feeling of being torn apart from what I thought was permanent, from someone I felt so one with. For me that was caused, simply put, because of not understanding myself, my needs and feelings and wanting the world from my then husband. This gave way to my tryst with personal transformational work.
And I met me.
Something happened and this helpless dependency and hurt disappeared. I felt complete about my marriage and my former husband. I felt this deep inner peace, wholeness and freedom.
This is one of my journeys that shaped me into who I am today. Personal growth and transformation has not only been my passion, it has been my much loved profession and career for the last 14 years. Now, I work with women, who no matter what they do, no matter what they have achieved, no matter where they have been in life, what they are up to in their life right now… I assist them to step into their own power, to manifest their deepest desires, give voice to their expression, experience themselves fully, shine their light into the world accomplishing what they really want to do.
People spend their time with me to connect with that part of them that relieves them of their pain, re-connect with the part that makes them feel deep inner peace, wholeness and freedom, the part of them that creates wonders for themselves, integrating all of them to become fuller and more whole.
My motivation, inspiration & philosophy
Someone said that the longest journey you will ever take is 18 inches… from your head to your heart. And it is the most rewarding. So here I am, having taken that journey, expressing from my heart and my truth.
My practice, my venture, my projects, my speaking and my writing are in service of people to come in alignment with their truth, stand in their confidence, create paths for themselves to bloom and grow forever. In other words, people returning home to themselves, and radiating their true selves in the world.
The journeys have definitely been mine, but my learnings have been for everyone. Every time I have had an aha moment I have felt inspired to share it with the world.
The driving force behind my work is the knowing that nothing is impossible. Anything and everything can be transformed. It begins with willingness. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. And the human design is multi-layered. Working with and understanding that design paves way for a rich experience.
My learning that life is created inside-out and not the other way around, has given me the wherewithal to be in-charge of my creations, own my choices and journeys. It has not only empowered me, but also empowered my eleven-year-old to be the author of his life. My strife has been to take this learning to people and have them know that they can alter their pain into a springboard, leaping into growth and expansion.

The basic premise I operate inside of are:
- We are whole, complete and enough
- We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
- Our innate nature is bliss
- Our intrinsic state is that of health and wellbeing
- We are creators of our own world
As we embrace, love and integrate more parts of ourselves that we left behind growing up, the more whole we get, we get closer to who we truly are.
My education as a Coach, Therapist, Counsellor has taken me deeper into the realm of the psyche and the soul, giving me first-hand experience in what I now specialize in namely—addressing and healing chronic pain, illnesses and dis-ease, relationship challenges, self-awareness and mastery, career challenges, creating and actioning goals and more.
When I started my career in personal transformation, I was catering to both men and women. Overtime, I felt guided to serve women. I believe women to be the seat of compassion, nurture and creation. I wonder what it would be like when they reclaim who they really are, step into their power and, once again, shine their light bright in the world.

Living from the heart
In my early years, I did not know that there was something called heart based living till I landed up making some decisions that changed the entire trajectory of my life. I wanted to study medicine and be a medical doctor. But I took a very calculated, logical decision to study Commerce to learn to make money. No sooner than two months into Commerce and Business Studies, I knew it was not a good decision for me as I was miserable. And that decision shaped my next 5 years in academics. I somehow scraped through. Again, I got into a relationship because my head said I should and I landed up being heartbroken. I did everything from my head. I did not know how to make heart based decisions or listen to my intuition. It was not taught that in school nor did anyone know any better at home. It’s only when I was absolutely miserable in my academics and was heartbroken, that I took time to reflect on what I was doing and what would make me happy.
Today, inspite of the highs and lows in life I practice living from my heart’s wisdom and it is a fulfilling experience.
Thanks to this 18 inch journey I have gifted myself several rich and meaningful experiences – self taught and created a career in design; made a career shift from the world of communication design to human design! Continuing to curate my friends and associates in my circle. Immersed myself in competitive swimming, sculling and Budo Karate. Travelling the world… now along with my son; creating my environment and living a conscious life; contributing to people in my life and the world bringing immense satisfaction.
Daniel Erway articulates it beautifully in his book ‘Living from the Heart’. Often we are so used to looking and sensing through the head and the mind that when we are asked to look in the Heart, we look through the head into the Heart to see what is there. Usually we end up just thinking about the Heart. But what if you could drop into the Heart and look from there? How would your life look right now? Is it possible that there is another world right in front of you that you can only see with the Heart and not with the mind?
One of my endeavours is to help women live whole heartedly guided by the wisdom of their heart.

The early years
I was born to and raised in an Indian family in the city of Calcutta in India. My childhood was a mixed bag with its share of joy, fun, exploration, heartbreaks, anger, fear and sadness. As I entered adulthood, I was programmed to believe and live that life happens “to us”, living in the victim and scarcity mentality, reacting to what life threw at me. Being a girl, I also had to navigate many set paradigms, limitations, social constructs and a general helplessness of being this gender.
My school experience was terrible. I remember skipping classes in the 5th grade and going to the sick room because the teacher was verbally abusive and would punish the students often. Sixth grade onwards, I became quieter in this all-girls school, living in the shadows of my family member who was a teacher in the same school. As a result, I felt the focus on me and expectation from me was much more than from other students by some of the teachers. I felt constantly evaluated by them and judged by most of my classmates.
Later in life, as I sat in my Therapist’s office, I learnt how I had retreated into a shell shutting the world out, scared to be the true me, ready to attack in defence. Inspite of all my accolades and accomplishments I nurtured very low self-esteem and self-worth; and It played out in my marriage, in my jobs and in my social life.
Post the faux pas in high school, I learnt to follow my heart no matter what. That way I stepped into a career that gave me joy. When I was not accepted in India’s top design school, I joined a local design studio for hands on learning. Having worked with India’s well-known designers, I went on to start my own design firm creating successful brand solutions for businesses in hospitality, IT, travel, retail and education.
Following my heart, I married the man I loved. We had our share of ups and downs in the marital journey. With the intention of fixing our collapsing marriage, I signed up for a three-day transformational programme with Landmark Worldwide. It was an eye-opening experience for me. I was not the same person anymore. At the age of 30 I learnt that my experiences were created from within me; that I was the driver of my life; I took ownership of whatever was working and not working in my life. I felt peaceful and accepted my relationship the way it was, and the lurking divorce with deep compassion. I wondered why this education was not there in schools. Our lives would have turned out very different. My then husband did the programme, too, and we got back together. And I became a personal transformation coach!
We had six great years after that, in which we also brought our son into the world. However, our marriage was falling apart again. This time I sought therapy and discovered a whole new world of past traumas and wounds running the show in my life. While my husband and I chose to part ways amicably, it was a very traumatic experience. My endeavour to heal made me see the gifts in this odyssey. It was a pivotal experience and it shaped the trajectory of my life, my mission and my focus. I became a Therapist myself. I have had the honour of working with men and women, walk alongside them in their transformation, understand others and myself better.
My personal experience and my work with women has given birth to my venture Woman Shining establishing my goal to assist women in radiating their inner light, be in their power, living the life they truly desire.
Personal Transformation: My deepest love & passion
Fifteen years now, my love affair with personal transformation continues. I continue to uncover different aspects and dimensions of me, constantly growing and expanding myself. I enjoy deep diving into human design through various transformational programmes, viewpoints, modalities and tools. Be it physical health, emotional fitness, living my purpose, being joyful, being a conscious parent, manifesting my dreams. And integrating it in my practice as I continue to serve women globally.
To support women’s journey, to ignite them, to create likeminded sisterhood I have created an online global circle of women called The World Wild Women open to women on the path of personal transformation. This circle’s endeavour is to provide deep support and encouragement for them to walk the path of their purpose confidently.
Extending into workshops and talks, I continue to create transformational experiences such as Bouncing Forward after a Crisis, Connecting with Self and Others, Living from the heart and more.

Return to the true you
As I mentioned earlier, women are a seat of compassion, nurture and creation. When they raise their consciousness, the planet’s consciousness will shift. Witnessing women in India and around the world, hearing their stories only affirms that it is time for them to step into their unapologetic selves.
I have learnt from life that when we connect with our true Self, shedding the layers accumulated over time, we open the doors to our authentic expression, being comfortable in our own skin, letting go of what does not serve us, not having to prove anything, playing our unique music in the world.
What we say after ‘I am’ shapes the experience of life. When we are connected with our true Self, we create harmony and joy for ourselves as that is our true nature. With that connection and self-awareness, we can give flight to our dreams.
Returning to my true authentic Self has given freedom to my being, making me more whole. I am present and a conscious mother to my son. He experiences a mother who is not afraid to be her unique Self, giving him the permission to be himself. Releasing the skewed beliefs and fears, I have given myself the gift of continued friendship with my former husband. Have freed myself of the “stigma” around divorce and around being a single woman in the society. Our son experiences both his parents in harmony. Connecting with my Self has given me the courage to embrace the whole of me, follow my heart’s wisdom and deepest desires. I feel very blessed and grateful for my learnings, growth, expansion and my journey.
Being comfortable in who I am, has allowed me to assist other men and women in their lives. It is my true privilege to assist them in being themselves by being me.
The journey of connecting with and reclaiming Self is a beautiful adventure of healing, self-love, self-expression and growth. All you need is your willingness.